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  1. This was a nice read. At first, I was convinced I was going to find you’d converted to some external, weird religion thing where you worshiped cats or something. I mean, I knew better but I was soooo hoping I wasn’t going to read the word Jehovah or Scientology. 😉 and I didn’t. And then I applied what you said to myself. I could certainly be doing much more of that. More Nature, specifically was what stood out to me the most.
    Thanks for sharing. This has helped me personally.
    From a big fan of your happiness!
    B. Leigh Crandell

    1. lol. Nope. Not joining any new religions here. 😉 hehe.

      Awesome that this post was helpful to you. That’s always my hope and intention. Often, writing these things helps me sort through and work out my own thoughts and feelings… but honestly, I could do all that in a private journal if I wanted.

      I share my journey publicly, in the hope that someone else out there will benefit from it too. Because we’re not alone. We’re all on this life journey together. I don’t have it all figured out, but I’m growing, and sharing my journey — take the good parts that work for you, leave/ignore the rest.

      Listen to and trust your own heart. Hopefully, I can just help more people connect to theirs.

      With love,

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