
Rules for Playing Big in Life

1. Playing big means thinking big. 2. You can do what hasn’t been done before. 3. You don’t need permission to be, do, have, or experience what you want, so long as it’s moral, ethical, and legal. 4. You define your own rules and boundaries. 5. The word “impossible” is irrelevant. Something is only difficult…


When Making Decisions, Ask Myself…

When making decisions, ask myself “who do I want to become?” Life is about growing, learning, self-evolving, as well as loving and experiencing joy. So it’s better to ask myself “who” I want to become — rather than “what” I think I’m supposed to do or have — and make any important decisions from there.

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Life Purpose

I’ve been contemplating on my life purpose a lot lately. Why am I here? What’s my purpose in life? Here’s what I’ve come up with so far. I’m here to add more love, laughter, play, joy, pleasure, hope, healing, connection, and creativity into the world. That’s my mission. Bonus objectives include: – inspire and empower…

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Not Good Enough, But Going Anyway

You know, it’s so weird. During this quarantine time, my work has slowed significantly. It’s given me time to really think and reflect. Reassess. Decide if it’s time to let some things go, make course changes, or reaffirm and recommit to certain things. Prior to all this, I was honestly pretty exhausted from all the…