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Advice to My 18-Year-Old Self

In a Facebook group I’m in, an 18 year old was feeling stressed and worried about school, work, and life. She asked for some advice and encouragement. I remembered being that age and worrying about those same things. I thought about what I’ve learned since then, and what I wish I could tell my 18…

Real Wealth

You’re wealthy if people like you. I don’t mean “like” as in people-pleasing, approval-seeking, or being a doormat. I mean other people like spending time with you, talking with you, being around you. They enjoy your company. They want you around. You’re a positive influence in their lives. If you have that, you’re wealthy. You’re…


Exhausted from Work / Feeling Burnt Out?

To my entrepreneur/self-employed friends who may feel a little burnt out or tired: it’s okay to rest. Take time to rest. As much as you need. You’ll know you’re done resting when you have energy and inspiration again. You’re an entrepreneur. You work hard. You work long hours. You take big risks. You face big…