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Shifting to a New Question

Is there a silent, constant, unconscious question driving you? Deep within your subconscious mind, there may be a question that’s driving you. You may not even be aware of it at all. It’s probably not something you consciously think about much — and yet, it has a powerful influence of your life. It’s a “question” that nearly every…

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Deeper Into the Wilderness

It’s 1:26 AM and I can’t fall asleep. I’ve tried meditating. I’ve tried eating a little food. I tried just laying there with my eyes closed. Nope, nada. My brain and body are tired and ready to sleep — but my heart’s nagging me about something. Something I can’t quite consciously grasp. It’s there, just…

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Tips for Dealing with Major Life Changes

Have you gone through a major life change? I’m talking the big stuff — like moving to a new state, starting a new career in a new field, getting married or divorced, having your first child, learning you have cancer or some other major health issue, losing a loved one, something like that. Something that…


Without hope, we have nothing. Life has its highs and lows, good memories and not-so-good ones. If you’re going through a low right now, I feel you. I go through them too. Take care of yourself. Be extra kind and gentle with yourself during this time. And above all, search for the hope. Find it….