
Manifesting: Pick 1 out of 3

I’m exploring an interesting thought, around manifesting. I’m assuming by now you’ve heard of the “Law of Attraction” and know basically that you can “manifest” anything you want into your life, by getting clear on what you want, feeling it as if it’s already happened, then letting it go and taking intuitive and/or inspired feel-good…

Start Today

I’m feeling grateful right now. Just wrapped after two days of working on a film set. It’s baby steps, but I’m following my dreams and that in itself is emotionally fulfilling. It’s not about how big you get, how far you go, or how much money you make — the emotional fulfillment simply comes from…

Doing Nothing IS Something

In the stillness, in the silence, new answers and new possibilities can emerge. Sometimes, doing nothing can lead to doing/becoming something meaningful, something important. There is a mysterious power in being centered and at peace, neither striving nor seeking, not growing or becoming; simply being. Simply resting. Simply doing and attempting nothing. There’s a strange…


Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet

So I came out of the “spiritual closet” last night. I’ve always been a very spiritual person. Like, seriously, you have no idea. I grew up Catholic. In the Catholic church, you’re not supposed to receive communion until AFTER a certain age, after you’ve taken certain classes, and gone through a little “First Communion” ritual….


It’s an odd moment. One of those fleeting moments of enlightenment where everything feels so clear. I’m laying here, resting. And I can feel my heart beat. Beating, constantly, within my chest. I can feel it inside me. Pumping. Beat after beat. It’s strong. It’s healthy. But all of the sudden, I’m aware I’m mortal….