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Shifting to a New Question

Is there a silent, constant, unconscious question driving you? Deep within your subconscious mind, there may be a question that’s driving you. You may not even be aware of it at all. It’s probably not something you consciously think about much — and yet, it has a powerful influence of your life. It’s a “question” that nearly every…

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Deeper Into the Wilderness

It’s 1:26 AM and I can’t fall asleep. I’ve tried meditating. I’ve tried eating a little food. I tried just laying there with my eyes closed. Nope, nada. My brain and body are tired and ready to sleep — but my heart’s nagging me about something. Something I can’t quite consciously grasp. It’s there, just…

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Tips for Dealing with Major Life Changes

Have you gone through a major life change? I’m talking the big stuff — like moving to a new state, starting a new career in a new field, getting married or divorced, having your first child, learning you have cancer or some other major health issue, losing a loved one, something like that. Something that…


Without hope, we have nothing. Life has its highs and lows, good memories and not-so-good ones. If you’re going through a low right now, I feel you. I go through them too. Take care of yourself. Be extra kind and gentle with yourself during this time. And above all, search for the hope. Find it….

Start Today

I’m feeling grateful right now. Just wrapped after two days of working on a film set. It’s baby steps, but I’m following my dreams and that in itself is emotionally fulfilling. It’s not about how big you get, how far you go, or how much money you make — the emotional fulfillment simply comes from…


Coming Out of the Spiritual Closet

So I came out of the “spiritual closet” last night. I’ve always been a very spiritual person. Like, seriously, you have no idea. I grew up Catholic. In the Catholic church, you’re not supposed to receive communion until AFTER a certain age, after you’ve taken certain classes, and gone through a little “First Communion” ritual….


It’s an odd moment. One of those fleeting moments of enlightenment where everything feels so clear. I’m laying here, resting. And I can feel my heart beat. Beating, constantly, within my chest. I can feel it inside me. Pumping. Beat after beat. It’s strong. It’s healthy. But all of the sudden, I’m aware I’m mortal….