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  1. I want to add, that even if this metaphor is true, we still need to be careful.

    Even if life is “just a simulation” or some kind of video game for souls… that doesn’t mean it’s okay to go around killing people or harming others. Simulation doesn’t mean “not real”; we’re still here in the game, there’s still real people living and experiencing through their characters…

    It also drives me nuts when someone says some people are merely “NPCs” (non-player characters).

    They might not appear to be doing anything unique or significant with their lives… but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a soul.

    Calling someone an NPC is *dangerous*. It’s makes them non-human or less-than and “other than” you… and it’s a short, slippery, easy slope from that to things like the holocaust or slavery…

    So, um… if life is a video game… be a good player, alright? hehe. 😉 Don’t ruin the game for everyone else. We’re playing this TOGETHER.

    1. Hey David,

      I can complete relate to what you were expressing through this body of your, even that interview which was uploaded to YouTube. Our true reality is nonphysical immortal, we just take these bodies to express and experience.

      That energy that loving non physical father from beyond indeed is our father the most lovely and loving. I have known him since recently, like your experience in this body, God too had been coming into the body to make souls reawaken to their true reality.

      Souls who have been here the longest have been so rusted with their identity that they can’t even imagine existing beyond perceived physical reality.

      Your search has ended my dear sweet brother soul, that sounds a bit too much. But yep, yep indeed. Just visit Brahmakumaris centre online or in person.

      They have adapted to deliver knowledge to people at the level they are at but with an intent to take them deep within themselves. But once you share a little bit of your experience they will get straight to the point and your answer will be answered. And even better because you are a new soul they would be much more fascinated. Even better you can learn how to connect with your true self and Our dearest Dad too.

      Because only in the awareness of being a soul can we connect with supreme soul who’s on that level of consciousness.

      I am just so happy to find my brother long lost and now found.

      Come, mail me [email protected] I am currently in Ireland.

      If we never meet in this cycle, just hang in there, we are going to go through some rough events in the coming time, it’s for the souls to wake up before the big reset/refresh.

      Have a wonderful experience.

      Warm and sunny regards,
      – Manoj

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