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  1. Love this! Ok so you can totally see your monkey mind go at it with this. Here’s what I’ve read and understand as very important in the process – anything you ascribe to the thing you want will LIMIT your outcome. I think in math terms and visuals like trajectories. You have an unlimited trajectory at the first desire minus what your subconscious programming involves. That is to say, if you hold a limiting belief (notice the name even has the word limiting), which really means a lie you chose to believe because hell you were probably too young to make sense of it, then that will shrink the trajectory.

    Context example: Desire = want a lover/partner. Limiting belief I might have picked up as a kid from parent/church/society could be something like “I must be quiet in order to be liked”. And there ya go, if you don’t uncover your limiting beliefs (which could also be called wounds BTW) then you will limit the outcome. However, if you can own your authentic, true born self then you can break that myth/lie and be your real self – not quiet and stifled, then imagine the partner that would come into your life then!?

    This was a VERY simplified example, but I hope that made sense.

    1. Liv, you beautiful, beautiful person. I don’t think you realize how timely, direct, relevant, and important what you just said was to me at this exact moment in my personal life. :-p

      First, I LOVE how you equated limiting beliefs and wounds. I never thought about it that way, but you’re so right! I don’t think necessarily every single limiting belief is a wound, but I would believe that every wound will turn into a limiting belief somewhere in life. I haven’t thought much about any of that yet. Thank you. Something new for my subconscious to chew on! 🙂

      As for the rest of everything you said about being your own authentic true born self… and imagining what kind of awesome partner might come into my life when I’m that — thank you. I’m pretty public/open about a lot of myself and my heart — the good and the bad — but obviously I don’t share “everything”-everything. lol. There’s still a few areas of myself that I feel REALLY insecure about… things that I fear make me unlovable, that will prevent a girl from wanting to be with me romantically long-term.

      It’s silly, stupid stuff. There’s no rationality behind it. Just an excuse, the “thing” my fears point to, but if it weren’t that thing, it’d be something else… Because, deep down, I still sometimes unfairly judge myself, I still have yet-completely-healed wounds that ARE creating massive limiting beliefs in me, particularly around being intimately loved…

      So anyway, yeah, thanks for your comment. Your words said more than perhaps you realized. In a very good way, my friend. <3

      1. Ok that explains why I felt SOOO compelled to share my thoughts. I love this post so hard! I love that more and more people are talking about it beneath the silly commercialized level of the famous “The Secret” which IMO was so whitewashed it was sad.

        Good luck to you! I hope you know that you are 1. perfect just as you are, 2. deserving of EVERYTHING you want to experience in this life, and 3. love every moment of life no matter what it looks like.

        “If you’re wondering what you are vibrating…..
        Observe your life.
        It is a PERFECT MATCH!”

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